IT Projects

last edit: 15/08/2024

IT-Projects 2009-2016

Planning of the IVDK IT department for 2024
  • Removal of the IVDK within Göttingen on 15/08/2014; adaptation of the IT infrastructure and websites
  • Migration of IVDK production systems to Windows 11 Pro x64
  • WinAlldat Net 2.1 R22: Extension of the medical history: additional immunomodulator text field - Q1/2024
  • WinAlldat Net 2.1 R22: Optimization of the tattoo documentation in WinAlldat Net 2.1 - Q1/2024
  • WinAlldat Net patch test readings via mobile devices (touch and pen input)
  • WinAlldat Net: Continue migration from MS Access to the SQL Server in the IVDK associated departments
  • HIS interface adjustments WinAlldat Net/KAS in cooperation with the Univ.-Medizin Rostock, Dept. Dermatology: PDF data export of the WinAlldat Net test protocol in combination with an HL7-MDM message file with metadata such as HIS-PatID and HIS-FallID . Adjustments to the WinAlldat Net UI and generation of an export DLL in process
  • Transformation process: Establishing Wiki, Projektmanagement Tools and shared file storage via Owncloud
Accomplished IT projects 2022/2023
  • WinAlldat Net porting to Microsoft Net 7 and 8 (AOT) - 2023 in process
  • Training of the new student assistant in the areas of internal IVDK IT management - Q1-Q2/2022
  • Rollout R19 MSQL Edition incl. DKG Update 01/2022 from March 1st, 2022 in the UMG GöttingenBeta Version
  • Familiarization with Visual Studio 2022 x64 and Net 6.0 library
  • Functional test and adjustment of the IVDK software under Windows 11 (Q4/2021 and Q1/2022)
  • WinAlldat Net: SQL Server Express x64 feasibility study in a Windows 10 21H2 VM (Oracle Virtualbox 6.1) Q1/2022
  • WinAlldat Net 2.1 Rollout R20 MSQL Edition with DKG Update 01/2023 - 01.2023 current version
  • WinAlldat Net 2.1 R19: Changes to the (extended) anamnesis, including body weight and height - Q1/2022
  • WinAlldat Net 2.1 R19: Improvements regarding usability in the report module - Q1 & Q2/2022
  • Migrate from Visual Studio 2019 x86 to Visual Studio 2022 x64 on various developer machines
WinAlldat Net ESSCA Project: 2021 - 2024
  • WinAlldat Net ESSCA 2.1 R21 Rollout in Barcelona/E in process
  • WinAlldat Net ESSCA 2.1 R21 Rollout in Neapel/I in process
  • WinAlldat Net ESSCA 2.1 R20 Rollout in Kaunas/LIT
  • Development of an English beta version with Dutch catalogue tables in cooperation with the Univ.-Groningen/NL in process
  • Establishment of a project group for the realisation of an English WinAlldat Net ESSCA version - done: 05/2021
  • Establishment of a new web presence for ESSCA-DC - done: 08/2021
  • Revision and creation of WinAlldat Net ESSCA documentation - done: 10/2021
    WinAlldat Net help file winalldatnet.chm and WinAlldat Net online help
  • New and optimised WinAlldat Net ESSCA project and download area for maintenance updates, online help & documents - done: 08-10/2021
  • Rollout of a 1st alpha version in Univ. Medicine Groningen/NL on 01/11/2021 - done: 10/2021
  • Implementation of a new occupational catalogue based on the ISCO Code 08 of the ILO in process
  • Rollout of the 1st beta version in Univ.-Medicine Groningen/NL Beta Version - 12/2021
  • Motivation: further development for a multilingual European data capturing software in the field of allergology with regular maintenance updates
  • Project start: 01.04.2021 - Project end: in process
Ongoing support activities WinAlldat Net Software

Hotline and technical support for the dermatological departments of IVDK associated clinics, 2nd/3rd level IT support for the approx. 250 clinical workplace systems (KAS) in the IVDK; support for the IT departments of the IVDK Clinics in setting up the WinAlldat Net software and troubleshooting with the aid of remote maintenance programs (e.g. Teamviewer).
Ensuring the availability of the IVDK documentation software in the IVDK network; migration of existing Access databases to SQL Server databases, especially in critical network environments with more than 10 KAS.

  • Portable Version based on WinAlldat Net 2.0 R17.1 established (10/2021)
    University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck
  • Interface adjustments WinAlldat Net/KAS regarding HIS in process
  • WinAlldat Net video creation and editing with OBS Studio, Handbrake and Shotcut
  • Migration of the WinAlldat Net Access-DB into SQL-Server/-Express in the iDerm in Osnabrück(2019), Leipzig(2020), Jena(2020), Rostock(2020), Stuttgart(2021), Heidelberg AKS (09/2021) and Charité (10/2021)
  • New installation of WinAlldat Net based on the SQL-Server
    in the dermatological department of the Kepler University Clinic in Linz/A
  • WinAlldat Net New installation in the dermatological department of the AUWA Klinik Tobelbad/A
  • WinAlldat Net New installation of WinAlldat Net in the dermatological department Berlin-Neukoelln, Vivantes Klinik
  • WinAlldat Net new installation based on SQL-Express
    in the dermatological department of the BG Klinik Bad Reichenhall
  • Implementation of the IVDK seminar for MFA's of the associated IVDK clinics on 8.3.2019 in Göttingen
  • Conversion of the reaction symbols for the type-1 area in the University Medical School Göttingen (UMG)  on 1.1.2019
  • VM Migration of the SQL Server at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG)  on 31.12.2019
  • Migration from WinAlldat IVDK 1.64c to WinAlldat Net 2.0 planned: Aachen, Univ.-Medizin Hamburg UKE
  • Migration of IVDK production systems to Windows 10 20H1 completed
  • Migration of IVDK production systems from MS Office Pro 2010 to MS Office 2019 completed
  • Microsoft® SQL Server: Production operation at the University Medical Center Göttingen since 18.09.2017
Development of the Winalldat Net documentation software under Microsoft .NET Framework

Rollout of the WinAlldat Net Software 2.0:

  • R22 MSQL Edition inkl. DKG Update 01/2024 ab Q3 2024 beta version
  • R21 MSQL Edition inkl. DKG Update 07/2023 ab 07.2023 current version
  • R20 MSQL Edition inkl. DKG Update 01/2023 ab 01.2023
  • R19.1 MSQL Edition inkl. DKG Update 01/2022 ab 01.07.2022
  • R18 MSQL Edition inkl. DKG Update 01/2022 ab 01.01.2022
  • R17.1 MSQL Edition inkl. DKG Update 01/2021 ab 01.01.2021
  • R16.2 MSQL Edition inkl. DKG Update 01/2020 ab 20.10.2020
  • R15 MSQL Edition incl. DKG Update 01/2020 from 28.12.2019
  • R14 MSQL Edition incl. DKG Update 07/2019 from 28.06.2019
  • R13 MSQL Edition incl. DKG Update 07/2018 from 15.03.2019
  • R12 MSQL Edition incl. DKG Update 07/2018 from 01.02.2019
  • R11 MSQL Edition incl. DKG Update 07/2018 from 28.06.2018
  • R10 MSQL Edition incl. DKG Update 01/2018 from 28.12.2017
  • R9 MSQL Edition incl. DKG Update 09/2017 from 15.11.2017
  • Refactoring of the C++ source code and recoding with VB .NET and .NET Framework
  • Optimimization of database structure, print subsystem and dialogues
  • Program consolidation and programe reduction, GUI general overhaul
  • Core Access-Report/VBA Transformation into .NET Code
  • Development of an versatile database exchange for Microsoft Access, SQL-Lite and SQL-Server
  • Adaption of Winalldat IVDK NET to the new Human Research Federal Law  (HFG) in Switzerland - 
    Caused by the new law (HFG) all database transactions have to be captured
  • Integration of Winalldat IVDK NET into hospital information systems (HIS)
  • Test with various databaseses, modification and consolidation of the documentation
  • presentation (PDF , PPSX) of the WinAlldat Net beta version in Heilbronn - DKG & IVDK working session
  • Project information and software download:
  • Screencast (i.e. video tutorials): WinAlldat Net Videotutorials
  • Changelog and History: changelog.html
  • Pen input test under WinAlldat Net with Dell Latitude 5175 - Project duration: 01.02.2018 - 30.04.2018
  • Customization of WinAlldat Net software with regard to NET CORE 3.1 - GA Visual Studio 2019 release 16.4 12/2019
  • Rollout Start: 06.2015 - Current Release: 2.0 R15 SQL Server Edition
  • Project start of WinAlldat Net software development: 01.11.2013
Revision and extension of the Tattoo Study
  • Restructuring and optimisation of the WinAlldat Net document menu
  • Support of the study director regarding quality assurance
  • Publication of the Tattoo Study inclusive study synopsis on the IVDK website
  • Rollout of the R16 test version at the University Medical Center Göttingen Beta version
  • Release of the maintenance update R16 incl. tattoo study with 7 documents on 01.09.2020 Pre-Release
  • Release of the maintenance update R16.2 incl. tattoo study with 8 documents on 20.10.2020 Release
  • Project duration: 01.06.2020 - 30.11.2020
Website adjustments due to GDPR changes 11/2022
  • The web pages managed by the IVK will be revised and the previous CDN (i.e. content delivery networks) links (i.e. calls) in the individual HTML files will be replaced by local (static) integration of the resources (files of the type javascript, css, webfonts, icons etc.). For more information, see: In the above-mentioned reference case, the embedded Google fonts were the cause or the subject of dispute; when these fonts are activated, the IP address of the machine from the EU/DSGVO legal area is transmitted unasked to the USA without being asked. In conclusion, this means that all web activities in which an IP address is transmitted to servers in the USA without being asked are illegal in the sense of the GDPR. This also results in the urgent need for action and adaptation, as the above-mentioned files are technically essential for the operation of the websites. Affected are: * incl. subdomains like,, and *
  • Project duration: 01.11.2022 - 30.11.2022
Revision and relaunch of the DKG meter reading training tool

E-Learning Online Tool of the German Contact Allergy Group (DKG), to provide clinical training for allergologists in the field of readings of epicutaneous reactions. There will be randomly 10 images with typical skin changes are displayed for evaluation; afterwards the expert opinion with explanations faded in

Milestones regarding PHP meter reading training tool:

  • Getting old PHP-5 souce code to wor­­­­­­­­k
  • Getting PHP-7.4 source code to work
  • Code and file optimization
  • More information here: Ablesetrainingstool Project Management
  • Project duration: 01.10.2019 - 31.4.2020 in process
Privacy Policy and Information Security Management System (ISMS) at the IVDK Institute

Background: From 25.05.2018, the previous Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) was replaced by the EU Data Protection Basic Regulation (EU-DSGVO, and a new version of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). The IVDK Research Institute with its register must therefore reposition itself after 30 years of activity with regard to data protection. Project start: 01.09.2017

  • Revision and improvement of the documentation (guideline and standard operation procedures/SOP) concerning the data protection measures in the IVDK Institute in the course of the new data protection legislation. Optimisation of the technical and organisational measures (TOM) and procedures in the IVDK Institute with regard to data protection. Documentation of the current Information Security Management System at the IVDK in the form of IT guidelines, TOM and hardening guidelines etc. in process
  • On 15.05.2018, the necessary data protection declaration required by the EU-DSGVO was published on the IVDK website
  • Information for data protection officers and patients in accordance with the transparency requirement of the EU-DSGVO:
    Research background and IVDK structure and data flow
  • Conception and realization of AV contracts with IVDK partner hospitals in process
  • Pilot project of a DS-compliant research cooperation incl. AV contract between University Hospital Leipzig (UKL) and IVDK Institute project successfully completed
  • DSGVO compliant implementation of technical-organizational measures (TOM) in the IVDK-Institute can be requested
  • Implementation of the standard data protection model SDM at the IVDK planned
  • Concept for a data protection impact assessment according to Art. 35 DS-GVO for the IVDK planned
Revision of the Winalldat Net Download Area
  • Optimized download area for technical documentation on WinAlldat Net software
  • New "landing page" WinAlldat Net Readme with improved document navigation and menu structure
  • Error corrections, merging of documents and layout changes
  • Security update to Bootstrap 4.6 (latest branch of Bootstrap 4 release) (Q4/2021)
  • development was done with Bootstrap, Visual Studio Code and Bootstrap Editor Pinegrow
  • Project duration: 01.02.2018 - 15.06.2020 updated
Migration of the web server
  • Conversion to a modern web hosting package (Business XL SSD) from Alfahosting GMBH
  • Enhanced performance, reliability (RAID-1) and security (SSL)
  • Project duration: 31.07.2017 - 02.08.2017
Relaunch of static IVDK websites based on
  • No migration from content management system Joomla v3 to v4 in 2020 CMS project duration: 05/01/2014 - 12/02/2019 EOL
  • Hugo is much more performant than Joomla and only requires javascript
  • Modern security and software architecture due to fewer components
  • Based on Markdown files regarding content management editing
  • Conversion of domains (,, to HTTPS/SSL protocol
  • Project start date: 01.09.2019 in process
Hardware management: consolidation of IVDK production systems 2020-2023
  • Migration of IVDK Windows 10 x64 systems to Windows 11 x64 in process
  • Optimization and technical retrofit (CPU, SSD, RAM) of existing IVDK Windows 10 machines
  • Retrofitting development machines to 8-core CPUs for ML and virtualization (Virtualbox)
  • Conversion of secretarial machine to a system with more modern hardware equipment (2020)
  • Conversion of 3 Tattoo study director machines to 4- and 6-core systems (2020)
  • Deactivation and disposal of obsolete and insufficient hardware (EOL, 2020-2021)
  • Reconfiguration of IVDK buffer systems to improve resilience (2020-2022)
  • System failure (defective mainboard) of the central developer machine ivdkpc08-ra (02.2022)
    Setup and activation of the buffer system ivdkp01-ra as a temporary developer machine
  • IVDK developer systems: migration to Windows 11 for development and validation of the WinAlldat Net software (Q4/2021 and Q1/2022) in process
  • Project start 01.07.2020 - ongoing
Migration of the IVDK Server 02.2019
  • Merging of Intranet SQL Server and file server on machine ivdkpc05
  • Previous deprecated intranet file Server Synology has been disabled EOL
  • Project duration: 01.02.-01.03.2019
Migration of the IVDK Server 08.2020
  • Restart the SQL and file server on machine ivdkpc06 with 4c/8t, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD
  • IVDK Server ivdkpc06 is now an additional Docker development machine for WinAlldat Net
  • Merging of 3 functional systems and WinAlldat Net Virtualbox test environments
  • Objective of the measure: Reduction of IVDK functional systems and maintenance resources
  • ivdkpc05 (2c/4t) was taken out of service due to lack of system performance and age and was substituted by a new machine from HP (power efficient 6c 9500T, 16 GB RAM, 250 GB NVMe, 1 TB data HDD) - serves now as a secondary server (fall-back system) ongoing maintenance
  • Project duration: 01.07.2020 - 15.02.2022